Tuesday, 31 January 2012

"Kitchen Planning"

The last few days I have been on the IKEA website, using their kitchen planner, which I must admit is pretty awesome, yet initially frustrating. Overall, a win.

Instead of guesstimating measurements and room depth, etc, I took to the internets and this is the outcome, including an estimate of cost (including Ikea fixtures and appliances), I just have to add the price for the apartment sized fridge and stackable laundry. I've already priced them out, got the model numbers and measurements.

Unfortunately, because I am using an apartment sized fridge and compact laundry, their width is around 24" where full size tends to be around 30-38". This means that the cabinets for above my fridge and laundry, that are the correct depth, are not manufactured by IKEA. You'd think those European Swedish geniuses would have them. Maybe not in the North American market. Plans for that still to be determined.

In 3D... Please forgive my total counterfeit steal job, recording my computer screen. The base cabinets across from the sink are to make up an island where the counter will be extended depth-wise to create a eat-in setting with stools. I may have to peruse the IKEA planner again to look at their island choices to see if any of them will work. If I remember correctly, I don't think they have an island that is shallow enough. The cabinets I chose are approximately 12 1/2 inches deep so the total counter depth will be at least 25 inches.

Next, to do the bathroom plan. Need to see if I can downsize it's width, as I have to make the kitchen wider by 7 more inches. Not a lot, but when you're strapped to a width of 24 ft total, every bit counts.

Thanks IKEA

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

"Garage Apartment"

Construction fun is about to begin again!

Over the weekend, I have been sketching plans for a garage apartment I have been wanting to do for almost a year now. I currently have a one car detached garage, which over the many years has developed a large crack, well more so a crevasse, as one side has sunk. The original shake singles are so on their way out, they have been flying away in the wind we have had recently.

I will tear it down, as its needs to welcome a two car garage with an apartment above! Chicka chicka ya ya!

I've gone through all the zoning layouts to find out I'm in an RF2 zone. I've gone through the regulations for RF2 and Mature Neighbourhoods. I have determined the rules for building an accessory building, distances for side, rear, and from house setbacks, the minimum slope of roof, the need to minimize overlook into neighbours yards, that I need 3 parking spaces, that it cannot be taller than my house, and that because I am next to an apartment building R8 zone, I am the only lot that can actually have a garage apartment. Sweet!

Given all of the above, we had thought I could get away with a 24x26, a decent size. However, to my dismay, there was one more regulation we had to calculate, and by we, I mean my handy dandy contractor.

Turns out the accessory building can only we a max of 12% of my site. With the calculations, that means I can only build a 20x24 garage, meaning only 435 sq ft! So sketch and decision number one went out the window and more sketches and decision number two was made over the weekend.

This is what I have come up with:

The height and size were the major restrictions. If I had a two storey house, the garage height would not be an issue. To keep under 21 ft, a minimum roof slope of 4:12 with a 24 ft wide garage, 8 ft height in garage minimum, I am able to achieve a height of 8 ft in the apartment and with a fancy "cross gable roof" I won't have a sloped roof on two sides, just 6 ft height in the four sloped corners. Plus the gable roof mimics my house. I sent off my sketch to my contractor to have made into real plans. Yippee!!

I'm hoping it's all do-able and that the sizing is liveable. I took out my measuring tape a lot this weekend, and actually measured within my bedroom and living area according to what sizing I had planned and it seems pretty good. I even googled the average size of a queen bed and know that at least a queen will fit with dressers in a 9 x 14 room. I tried to keep the plumbing as close together as possible as my contractor reminded me it's cheaper that way. So my small apartment will be European in a sense, as the stackable laundry will be in the kitchen. Oh Europe, how you know how to do small spaces. 

FYI: New found sweet website http://freshome.com/ rocks my socks.

Soon I'll be able to pick out flooring, appliances, and bathroom fixtures. I can't wait!!!!

Though next will be getting permits and approval to build. 
Fingers crossed!

Image Source

I want to live in this apartment!

That's the point I suppose. I want it to be somewhere I would want to live.

Friday, 20 January 2012

"Left Wanting"

Left Wanting

I wanted to love you.
I wanted to give you everything
I could.
I wanted it to be enough.

© J. Foulston

"I'm coming to the conclusion that the act of wanting--anything--sets our human nature into a state of disequilibrium. And we will do whatever we have to do to set ourselves right again, to become aligned again. So logic follows that complete and utter equilibrium means the end of desire"
"They call it non-attachment, and spiritual thinkers have been wearing themselves out trying to tell us about it for eons. To my way of thinking, life is endless paradox without the function of grace. And, if you dissect the paradoxical relationship between desire and happiness, the answer grace offers is non-attachment. So, it’s not that happiness has to be the end of wanting. But I think it does have to mean not being attached to a particular outcome. Finding peace regardless of the dish served—that’s happiness, isn’t it? Of course, it can be downright healthy to want a better helping. But avoiding disappointment if you don’t get it, that’s the trick"

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

"A Nod to the 1940s"

I had my one of my staff Christmas Parties on Sunday, and I decided I'd like to do something different to my hair, now that it's longer after the last 3-4 years of a pixie cut to chin length bob.

I was inspired by the 1940s, especially because of my awesome 1946 house and my new shoes I have been waiting to wear.

Betty Grable, Queen of the Roll...


So of course I went to youtube. Some of those how-to videos are pretty great!

On the first video, the tutorial starts at 1:36...


My hair is still a bit short, especially with my layers I love so much. But I was able to pull off mini-victory rolls and a suicide roll. If I had more time, I totally would have curled the back, but as I am me, I was running behind.

On day two, I took out my rolls and found an enjoyable alternate hair style. All I need to do is curl the back too, run my fingers through the previously highly hair-sprayed locks, and pin under the longer curls and...

Reminded me a little of Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor...The hair. Not so much my lack of awesome curvy body...

How I wish I had naturally big curl/wavy hair...Maybe a set of hot rollers is next on my list of things to buy...

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

"Claim for Loss of $ Continues..."

As of January 6 th , I hadn't heard anything back from my adjuster.  So this email was sent:

Hi -----,

Just checking in. I was wondering if you heard anything yet?

Also, I'd like to add to the loss of income issue, the loss of the energy efficiency rebates; federally, provincially, and municipally. I had my pre-evaluation done in May 2011, and the deadline for my post-evaluation is March 2012. Barely just over 2 months from now. Not only will my energy efficiency rating be lower than when I began, due to the complete lack of insulation, etc in my basement, I was basically stopped from putting my basement back together or to even make it better, as construction never had a chance to be anywhere near started before the rebate deadline. I am truly saddened by how long it had taken for every little step, it is now in the 10th month. Lost rent, lost access to rebates, lost opportunities. Actually I feel it has been stolen from me, not 'lost'.

Please pass on and please do update me at your quickest convenience.

Thank You.

Still haven't heard anything back. Sigh!