o it's summer and construction has begun. I have forgone the Cornerstones Program. I didn't want to wait any longer. More expensive? Yes. But I can charge more rent now.
A few weeks ago I had the horrible fence taken down. Thanks neighbour. One more thing on the list.
All gone! Yay!
'm so excited. I came home today after the first day of construction and was positively giddy.
lease note the stuffed animal strapped to the front of the machine. Just added to my day! Can't wait to come home to Day 2.
he City's grant program for secondary suites ended in 2012 and they are in talks to start a second grant program for 2013. However, it may not be up and running until late spring. Which means I can't begin my construction on my garage apartment until I apply and am approved for the grant of up to $20 000. I checked in with my construction company and found out my development and building permits are good for 2 years. So that was a weight off my shoulders.
o now I have to play the waiting game for construction to begin. I wanted to start in spring but it may be summer before things get going. But the $20 000 will be worth the wait, if I get approved. I'm still waiting on a second quote as is needed as part of the application. All in due time.
Updates should be made available online: http://www.edmonton.ca/for_residents/programs/secondary-suite-grants.aspx