Tuesday, 17 July 2012

"My Front Steps"

My front stairs have been crying out for attention since I moved in almost 2 years ago. Sad and gray, beaten and downtrodden, they needed some TLC.

So this last week I have been working on them steadily. Last summer I had purchased my biodegradable cleaner and natural semi-transparent stain. This summer I finally had the time to use them.

Step one involved dusting off dirt on Friday, wetting down stairs and nearby plants, and brushing on the cleaner with my rubber gloves. Waiting 20 minutes, scrubbing with a stiff bristled brush, then "power washing" the cleaner and dirt off. I just purchased a new garden hose attachment with a jet option. It worked pretty good, getting the left over dirt and rocks out of the crevices I couldn't muster with my trusty steak knife beforehand.

Then came the 24 hours of drying time and bringing out the 80 grit sandpaper to help the stain adhere and to remove more stains the cleaner just couldn't get through. I actually saw beige come out from under all that patina.

After dusting all the sanding dust away, then I used painter's tape to keep my stairs protected from the solid stain I decided I was using for my risers. 

I felt a different colour on the risers was needed. So bring on the solid stain with a white base I had tinted the colour I wanted. A yellow to match the yellow trim on my front door.

Next, it was time to stain the steps. I knew the rain was due to come and I wanted to get the stairs protected before it came. I was just hoping the rain would hold off long enough. I managed to get two coats required on, with the waiting an hour in between needed. But the last coat on the last step was complete at 9:30 pm. The can said it only needed 1-2 hours dry time before rain or dew. Unfortunately, we had a torrential downpour. 

Before the rain it was a little less orangey...

10 hours of work on Saturday, in fear of Sunday's rain, and I completely forgot I could have tarped my stairs until it was too late. Fingers crossed the stain had enough time. Monday came with some sun and mostly clouds. By today, the stairs didn't look so bad. The "natural" stain I had bought, I guess meant natural cedar. So semi-orangey it is. Today I took the luxury of the sun and trying to finish up before the rain was to come again tonight by doing the stenciling I had intended.

Saturday evening I made my own stencils, having an idea of what I wanted, but knowing I wouldn't be able to find them ready made. So I took to the internet and googled images, zoomed in with my trusty mac to the size I preferred, traced the images with pencil and regular white paper, which I then taped down onto thicker paper (a.k.a. paint chips from my jaunt to Home Depot), and cut the images out with my lovely exact-o-knife.

The stenciling began. Of course the edges always get blurry as the paint seeps under, so I did the best I could, then brought out the number 2 artist brush and touched up things, making them more defined. And viola, my stairs completed...


All latex stain, easy clean up, low VOC, lots of tools for this little job. I used a small can of the latex rustoleum espresso paint for the stenciling. The same paint I intend to use to darken up my rails a bit. When we have more sunshine to work with.

I did notice a lot more ants in the front of my house now. I suppose they have been thrown off by the Raid in their hill. However, I think they are finding a new home under my stairs. I also noticed red ants where I haven't seen them before. New mission, if I choose to accept it, end these ants before they end me.

On the bright side, I finally received my cheque from the Provincial Government and City for my post-energy retrofit. A sweet $1568 to put on my line of credit, or course until I need to take that back and pay off my credit card.

Now, I really need to deal with my backyard, where the weeds are literally taller than me. A little neglect and lots of rain and sunshine, have made even more of a jungle out of my backyard.

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