Got a voicemail while at work, called back end of day. Asked if he could explain when I got home in 20 minutes. Turns out while I was at work and the guys were trying to figure out this shower shelf and the fact that the corner of my walls is not a perfect 90 degrees, they decided to plan to notch into tiles so the glass shelves would be set in them and I wouldn't need the glass wall. Too bad I wanted it installed they way it was intended and they had started tiling that wall where there is a design detail of a glass strip, distance of which depends on the width of the shelves. Too bad their plan resulted in not enough width of rows of 4x20" tile.
I was disappointed that I wasn't told about this "problem" or "solution" when it presented itself, instead of coming home to a decision made without me. So discussion had, tile rows in corner needed to be wider by a row to be the right aesthetic look for intended install of shelf, and therefore the glass tile row they did had to come down too. Since he had to take down a tile row, well actually was only 2 tiles in that row as was just bottom of wall tiled, I asked if he could make the glass tile row wider than 4 inches. So that meant a total of 4 1/2 - 4x20" tiles taken down and what would be equivalent to a 4x20" tile of glass tile taken down. Not a lot. And best to do now before mortar dried and set.
Well, given that situation, I sat in my shower to be and looked around, was wondering about tile layout of shower tower wall due to possible off-centeredness, and emailed my tile guy what I figured was a clear and easy to change. Images below included in email.
But not wanting to feel forced to make a decision due to time and general exhaustion of brain, I asked if he could work on the other walls while I thought about that one.
Day 18: Tuesday. I texted my tile guy (soonest I could was noon-ish) to ask if he got my email, it was almost midnight after all. He texted back "yup". Also texted back "[Boss's right hand man] was trying to get a hold of [me]". I called and turns out my tile guy wasn't at my house today, they wanted to meet with me that day to nail down the tile layout, because they didn't want to have to redo work.
Fair enough.
But here's the thing about communication...
What was said to me is that "[Tile guy] called last night saying he had to take down all the tile they laid". Thing is, it was 4 1/2 tiles and a bit of glass tile. Not all tile, not a big deal, not a crazy change. Boss man pulled tile guy to another job, because of fear of changing things again and work to have to be redone. So we met at end of day and guess what? Ended up with the exact same thing I had clearly expressed to tile guy the day before. And, no work to be done tomorrow because he has to finish the other job he started today. But here's the thing about communication...
In the moment, non verbal 'Argggghhhh' is all I could express;
via my expressions and a lack of usual Jess pep.
And what perturbed me so much, was not the work delay, but the miscommunication, the end result being exactly the same as the day before, the lack of communicating to me that the tile guy was not going to be there today (he was told not to tell me as it was determined that it was the right hand man's job), also what was said to me was not accurate, and was not what the tile guy had actually reported. via my expressions and a lack of usual Jess pep.
But this is construction, and life.
Changes are to be expected. This I knew.
I just thought they'd know too?
Moving forward. Too many words from too many mouths.
Remember the telephone game?
Changes are to be expected. This I knew.
I just thought they'd know too?
Moving forward. Too many words from too many mouths.
Remember the telephone game?
Day 19: Wednesday. Tomorrow, supposed to have a few guys in here doing tiling, I was told tiling would be done Friday. And as a hopefully clarifying act, and non-douchey act, I put up sticky notes about what we agreed, as it's not written down and memory can be fallable. And now with more workers having instructions told to them, and many different ears possibly hearing something different, I hope this will keep my frustration down too.
All I can picture is a sardine can of men and too many hands in the jar. I have to trust. I have to trust. I have to trust. If I say it enough times, maybe my Type A stressed brain and discerning eye will relax.
Day 20: Thursday. End of the day I was sent a pic from my tile guy with the text "Need one more box of glass tile Jess!" Picked up another box at Tile Town. Forgot how expensive it was.
Sneak Peak |
Day 21: Friday. All tile set in mortar. Grouting of tile on 80% of my whole bathroom to happen next week. So Much Tile! Crazy amount! But I Love.
Thank You Time Line Construction
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