Monday, 12 September 2011

"The Things You Learn"

The insulation behind my walls was originally introduced in 1931 by Kimberley-Clark. Made of wood pulp insulating material for thermal insulating purposes, vapour seal paper for construction purposes to prevent the passage of moisture through walls, and wood fiber panels for use as interior and exterior walls, doors, and table tops. And Non-Asbestos.

Kimsul was promoted as an insulation with many-layer construction, unlike then-typical lose bulk insulation. Kimsul had layers stitched together to form a blanket of uniform thickness. Easy to install, resistant to fire, moisture, fungus, vermin and termites. Kimsul was the standard material for insulating Navy huts during World War II.

Better insulation than they thought I had. Good to know it's Asbestos-Free.

R value? No idea. Feeling the history? Completely. Loving it? Absolutely.

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