So I did a little calculating. Got out my Real Property Report, took to google to find a square footage calculator, plugged in the numbers and figured out what 12 % of that is to know exactly how big my garage (accessory building) can be.
Twelve percent is 480 sq ft. A 20' x 24' space is exactly 480 sq ft. So if I didn't need exterior walls, we'd be in business.
I took to google once again to try to figure out the average thickness of an exterior wall, they can be anywhere from 6 - 9 inches. This meant I'd have to lose a total of 3 ft from my current 20' x 24' plan. Given the layout and the already tight squeeze, I managed to make it a 18' x 24' interior space, and hope I can get away with 7" exterior walls, making the square footage 482 sq ft. I hope the Development Planner isn't too picky. I could lose a foot on width if I downsized a couple of my cabinets. I really don't want to do this.
So overall, I have to shrink the depth of my storage closet in the middle by a foot, use a smaller door to the bedroom to bump my storage closet out as much as possible, at least 9". I have to shrink the depth of my bedroom by 2 ft, and the depth of my living room by a foot and bring my cabinets in the kitchen closer to the stove cabinet side by a foot. I can shrink the width of my bathroom by a foot, so I can get an extra foot of width in the bedroom closet. 4 ft is really not enough to move with clothes hanging in there.
I hope the space feels liveable. I hope the living area and kitchen have enough of an open concept to make the now 9.8' x 10.8' living area non-clostrophobic. The bedroom will now be 8.5' x 10.7'. The bathroom to be 6' x 6'.
Okay Home Depot here I come. Their job; make my official plans. Then all the fun of the applying for permits and getting my neighbour's within 60 m to okay my project with proof of their signatures. And submitting info about my neighbour's homes, and heights, and Argh!, all before I can submit my application. Damn Discretionary Uses.
One day, hopefully this year, it will be complete...
In the mean time, as in now, I need to make sure I address all the left over energy efficiency things I can. I need to add some insulation and vapour barrier back in the basement, so I can get my post energy evaluation done, more money back and hopefully save some CMHC mortgage interest too. I better confirm my booking for my post evaluation. March is sure coming fast!
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