Friday, 3 February 2012

"Where I'm at....No Bullshit"

A text conversation...

With an ex I had dated at least 6 years ago, who popped back in my life via facebook last year, and whom today I had this exchange:
"So what's up? Really?"

"Not much I just got home"

"Lol. No I mean why did you txt me?"

"I dunno, just felt like seeing what's up"

"Okie Dokie"

"Out of the Blue. There must be some reason behind it. 
Question you want to ask? Feeling/Thought that triggered it?"

"Nothing in particular. I had fun last time. 
Maybe we could do it again"

"I figured you didn't. 
As I never heard from you after that"

"So you want to hang out, grope each other, and that's it again?"

"I'm by no means trying to be mean. I'm just at a point where 
blunt honesty saves me time, trouble, 
and hurt, I get myself into"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it"

"So you want a booty call is what I'm gathering?"

"Haha, well we don't need to call it that. 
But I would like to see you again"

"Sorry. You're going to have to find that somewhere else. 
I'm raw from a relationship I have been in and out of for a year, 
and I would so easily fall into wanting someone 
to hold me and to kiss, but I probably 
would regret it later or feel guilty 
for my own crazy reasons"

"So what happened last time we Hung out?"

"What do you mean?"

"I dunno, we fooled around and everything"

"Yes we did, but there was no continuation. 
We finished the movie. Went to sleep. Breakfast. 
Think you said you'd call me. Though that didn't happen, 
I felt relief, because I knew that night that you and I 
would never be long term, and therefore 
no need to continue anything because I know what I want 
and I'm done with games and feeling used."

"Yeah, alright. That's fine"

"Best wishes. Take Care"

"Thanks. And if you ever need a booty call let me know"


And the Fallout...

Texts to the one I'm off and on with, currently off with for the last two months, save 2 days a month ago. Also, it turns out to be a composition I have entitled "I hate":


I Hate

I hate that I miss you so much.
I hate that I still want to hear that from you.
I hate that I just got asked for a booty call.
I hate that that's all that I am.
When I am so much more.
I hate that I texted you all of this.
I hate that I want to reach out to you when I feel this way.
I hate that I feel like I love you.
But a you that is a fable in my mind.
A you of an us I wished I could have
and the loss of that idea still having such an effect.
A real feeling from a non real reality.

© J. Foulston


Argh! Strength in one area and weakness in another. Guess I'm just being human.

I think I finally get their relationship....But I want to end up with an Ayden.

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