Wednesday 29 May 2013

"Construction Season"

So it's summer and construction has begun. I have forgone the Cornerstones Program. I didn't want to wait any longer. More expensive? Yes. But I can charge more rent now.

A few weeks ago I had the horrible fence taken down. Thanks neighbour. One more thing on the list.

All gone! Yay!

I'm so excited. I came home today after the first day of construction and was positively giddy.



Please note the stuffed animal strapped to the front of the machine. Just added to my day! Can't wait to come home to Day 2.

Thursday 28 February 2013

"Cornerstones II"

The City's grant program for secondary suites ended in 2012 and they are in talks to start a second grant program for 2013. However, it may not be up and running until late spring. Which means I can't begin my construction on my garage apartment until I apply and am approved for the grant of up to $20 000. I checked in with my construction company and found out my development and building permits are good for 2 years. So that was a weight off my shoulders. 

So now I have to play the waiting game for construction to begin. I wanted to start in spring but it may be summer before things get going. But the $20 000 will be worth the wait, if I get approved. I'm still waiting on a second quote as is needed as part of the application. All in due time.

Updates should be made available online:

Friday 30 November 2012

"New Window"

It's been a while since I last blogged. Been settling in with Dad and my new role as caregiver. Quite the stretch in what I'm used to. Since Dad has been here, end of October, I had the pleasure of getting my front window replaced. The old one was quite drafty and when we had those terrible rain storms in the summer, the window even leaked from the top.

After having it measured and ordered, weeks later in minus 10 weather the lovely boys put in my new window. I must say triple pane glass is definitely an improvement, not to mention having it installed properly.

The new window...

The boys were even good enough to save my window shelf and made it work with the new window which I wasn't sure they could do. But they did. All I have to do is paint the trim, but that's what curtains are for, right? 

Thursday 25 October 2012

"Dad is Here"

Over the last few months I have been getting ready to have Dad live with me, emptying out what was once called my 'junk room', repainting and wallpapering, dealing with realtors and potential buyers of farm land, the unknown date of Dad's move weighing on my shoulders, and now things have finally all come together and Dad is here.

It was his first night here last night, happy with his room, relief that he has help now for meals and so on, but as he said this morning; "I almost froze last night". This coming from a man who has lived with a wood burning stove in a small bunk house for years. The heat in my house will never compare. I shall try with extra blankets, fleece sheets and down comforter, which wasn't quite enough last night, I have now set the heat a few degrees higher for over night and more extra blankets. I hope this makes a difference.

Gone are the days of sleeping in, as Dad has breakfast; oatmeal and brown sugar; at 8:30 am. Once I'm back at work this won't be so bad, at least I'll have to be up early.

Now as Dad naps sitting on the couch next to me, I wonder how he will do on his own when I am at work for most of the day. Not making a lunch for himself, and likely not eating what I leave him, 2 meals a day he has been living on in High Prairie. At least the second meal will not be an A&W burger, or just banana bread. Today I must get some grocery shopping done and make responsible meals. Anyone have any quick and easy meal ideas? My imagination with food rests mostly on day dreaming about eating it, not making it. 

Both of us need to settle into a new routine, I need to settle into having a lot more responsibilities than just taking care of me on a random timeline of when things suite me. Now I have to do things daily and not slack on it. I see tiredness in my future. I feel the need for a coffee. I think that is my next step today. One step at a time I suppose.

Saturday 29 September 2012

"PAX Complete"

My wardrobe is finally done. Clothes put away. It brings me such joy and relief.

I had to cut an opening in the back of the last frame to be put together by the Assembly guys, for the only other plug in in my room besides behind the bed.

I was pretty proud of myself when it lined up pretty perfectly. My guess work was pretty good. Just needed good measurements, a handy chisel, and my trusty pruning knife to follow the lines made by my white eyeliner.

Here's the final result...

First half...

Storage for 24 pairs of shoes!!! And the second half...

Pretty full already! And yes there are still clothes hanging in my tiny closet. I've banned myself from buying anything else for a while. I'm not sure how long that will last.

I'm just so happy to not have piles of clothes everywhere, or shoved into dressers where I forget what's there. Finally a little organization in my little house under a bit of chaos.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

"PAX Progress"

I decided today to work on getting the IKEA Komplement Interiors in the frames I had done...

Waiting until Thursday to have Assembly Service put together fourth frame, doors, anchor frames together, and level. Then all mine to fill with my clothes waiting in piles; in Dad's room, and yes even in the kitchen. Until Thursday....

Friday 14 September 2012

"PAX Wardrobe By My Lonesome"

I have no patience. I want it done and I'll do as much as I can on my own. Maybe because I also want to save some bucks.

I called the Assembly guys and have an appointment for them to come assemble my PAX Wardrobe next Thursday. 2 people, $60/hr. Looking at close to $300.

So yesterday I began opening boxes and thought I can do this.

My bedroom's dedicated space to a future wall of organization...

One of four frames. Two 75cm wide and two 50cm wide. This was one of the big ones...

Not too shabby, not too difficult. If I can do this one I can do them all, maybe. Two done last night...

Third one done today. One 75cm wide done and both 50 cm wide done...

One more large frame to go. I don't have enough space in my room to put together the fourth one by myself. It can be put together standing up, but for that I need a second person. I asked my friend to help with the last frame if he has time, but even then I think I will still go with the Assembly guys to hang the doors and attach each frame together with the one next to it. They won't be here that long which means less hours and less cost. I can put the komplement accessories in on my own and then done. Clothes storage like no other. It's so big.